We are a spot for the unsheltered coming in late, the recently campless, or those…

Firefly Hash House Harriers (FH3)
We are the Hash House Harriers (H3), known as “a drinking club with a running problem.” Our mission: share hashing with Firefly while keeping the beer cold. Join us for one of our Hashy Happy Hours where we will share drinks and drinking games. Stop by for a hot dog or grilled cheese. Don’t miss our Bloody Mary Bar & Red Dress event
MORE ABOUT US: The Hash House Harriers are an international organization with groups in most major cities around the world including Black Rock City. https://brch3.com/ Red Dress Runs are generally events that support local charities and we will be honoring that tradition with a donation to Burners Without Borders https://www.burnerswithoutborders.org/ Want to run with us in Boston? Go to http://www.bostonhash.com/calendar for information about upcoming trails.